Stress and hair loss: how to improve hair health and reduce this problem

Several factors may interfere with hair health, such as excessive chemical procedures (coloring, progressive straightening, relaxing), lack of vitamins, anemia, hormonal changes, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and scalp issues like seborrhea and dandruff. What few people know is that hair health is directly related to emotional well-being. Moments of stress, anxiety, worry and even depression directly impact the balance and beauty of the hair.


Stress is a very common problem nowadays and during this quarantine period, we have experienced moments of many restrictions and concerns due to the global pandemic. A large part of the population has developed anxiety, stress and even depression crises, making irregular hair loss a frequent occurrence in the routine of many.
There have been changes in everyone's lives and suddenly, we had to adapt to a new reality. Our body and mind perceive the unknown as something negative and without realizing it, in this situation, we send alert signals to our brain, which, in turn, releases hormones and substances that cause hair loss.



Finding emotional balance amidst the global pandemic is difficult, but there are many techniques that can assist you and bring some clarity and comfort to these distressing moments. The simple act of learning to breathe correctly is already a big step; research breathing techniques used in meditation and yoga practices. Engaging in light exercises or dancing can also help you find a refuge amid so much worry and pressure. In case of anxiety crises, the best approach is to seek professional help from psychologists. There is a network of free psychological support available on the internet ( where you can connect with trained professionals who are willing to help you control these crises.


Isolation has forced many people to stay indoors and with emotional balance disrupted, the desire to eat sweets and fatty foods, better known as "comfort food," has only increased. To have a healthy diet, it is necessary to adopt a meal planning routine, so you maintain a conscious and healthy eating habit. Prefer foods with low-fat protein, vegetables, greens, fruits and nuts, as these foods are rich in nutrients like iron, biotin, zinc, copper and lycopene, which help strengthen the hair strands and also relieve tension.
Don't forget to stay hydrated! Drinking water is also extremely important for the proper functioning of the body.


"The internal balance directly reflects on a person's healthy skin and hair, but keeping the hair clean is also very important. Going too long without washing the hair can trigger an inflammatory process on the scalp and, as a result, a sudden increase in oiliness associated with hair loss," says Rafael Lima, a trichologist and specialist in cosmetic hair treatments.
A good measure to avoid irregular hair loss is to use products that contain ingredients that soothe the scalp and provide a deep cleansing without harming the strands.
A widely used technique to stimulate hair growth and gently cleanse the scalp is hair detox, recommended to be done once a week or every fifteen days. This procedure is carried out in three steps, which you can check out in this link: Click Aqui
Adopting a hair care schedule can also be a way to keep your hair strong, hydrated and naturally shiny. In this case, it is advisable to consult hairdresser specialists, as through an analysis, you can discover the best routine for your hair type.


It is common for a "rebound effect" to occur when there is a habit of self-medicating and this can be very dangerous. Medication should only be used with a doctor's prescription and if hair loss is severe, it will be necessary to undergo tests to determine the cause of this dysfunction in your body. Only then can the cause be identified and an appropriate treatment can be administered, restoring your hair health.
You can seek specialized Dermatologists in Trichology, a medical field that deals with hair problems. There are several types of treatments available on the market, ranging from custom-made formulas and tonics to more specific treatments such as capillary mesotherapy.


Do you remember the last time you felt completely relaxed, that feeling of lightness or enthusiasm in doing something you truly enjoy? If your answer was NO, it's time to reserve some time for the most important person in your life, YOU!
Learn to look inward and see what is missing in your daily life, whether it's a moment for reading a book or taking a professional course, practicing a sport or dance, awakening to self-care and taking care of your skin and hair. This commitment to YOURSELF will strengthen you and keep your mind lighter, bringing balance to your daily life.

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